The Most Influential People of the Web: A Panel Discussion From the Best


Meet the Panel:

Tantek Çelik from Mozilla
Web Standards Lead
Invented microformats, Barcamp.

Currently working as the Web Standards Lead at Mozilla, Tantek Çelik has a lifetime list of achievements that continue to influence and change the way the web works. He co-edited the W3C Recommendations CSS 2.1 and CSS3 Color, co-founded GMPG and the standards community, serves on the Open Web Foundation (OWF) board, and is the author of “HTML5 Now: A Step-By-Step Tutorial for Getting Started Today.”

When Does This Man Sleep?
This well-respected man named Tantek refuels his coding-brain through rock climbing, obsessing over legos, science fiction films and the color black. You can also take a look at the inner-workings of his brain on, where he shares his thoughts.

Beau Smith

Beau Smith from Square, Inc.
UI Designer/Developer

Designer by education, developer by trade. Beau currently cultivates pixels and farms html at Square. Previously at Six Apart building web publishing tools: Movable Type, Vox, and Typepad.

This man has no fear!
Beau is predisposed to sports involving velocity, adrenaline, and brief moments of airborne flight. When grounded, he can be found crafting delicious and nutritious edibles in his kitchen; currently perfecting the art of Chinese hand-pulled noodles.

Jacob Thornton from Twitter
JavaScript & Front End Developer

Jacob Thornton is a computer scientist and works at Twitter on the platform team. He is also the coauthor of some nifty OpenSource projects: Ender, Boostrap and Hogan.js with his good friends @ded, @mdo and @sayrer

Jacob’s Dark Secret
Jacob’s states that he is not obese, but if you hit him up on Twitter, he will respond to @fat. When he is not in code-monster-mode, he spends most of his spare time eating pizza and hungover.

Andy Smith from OpenStack
Senior Core Developer

Probably better known as “termie,” Andy Smith is an open source, uppity, Python programmer from way back who has tried to dabble in everything else along the way. Lately his work focuses on building the infrastructure for quote, the cloud, unquote, with OpenStack but prior to that he built the platform layer at Google App Engine, and before that the application layer at Jaiku and before that the client side at Flock. Notable side projects include OAuth and BarCamp. Before that he worked on MUDs and he wants to do that again.

A Tip from Andy, himself:
Buying him beer is a good way to find out what he really thinks.

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Limited space is available on a first come first serve basis.

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